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童话中的现实—哥本哈根气候变化大会落幕 The Reality in the Fairytale — The Last Day of COP-15


今天是12月18日,我在Okstenhallen 度过了一天,这里是属于所有NGO的空间,这里是没有政治立场,没有利益冲突,只单纯为了拯救气候变化,保护整个地球的地方。我看到了许多为了环境保护努力奋斗的人,他们并不是来自遭受气候变化摧残最严重的国家,但是他们为了那些岛国,那些濒临淹没的小国,用自己最大的力量让世界知道改善气候不可再等,明确的减排事不宜迟。不论站在舞台上的全球各国领导给我们留下了什么,我们都会牢记一个绝望的呼喊:“我们不会安静地等死。”





Brief Summary:

I spent half of the day in the Okstenhallen, which is the space of NGOs.  Those NGOs are coming here for  common future, instead of their political positions and own benefits.  Whatever the result of the negotiation among the heads of different countries, I will always remember the shout from the live broadcasting: “We will not wait for death quietly.”

As we know, the developed countries have to commit to historic duties, since they accomplished the progress of industrialization through emitting carbon emissions. Moreover, the developing countries are able to overcome natural disasters and reduce the loss caused by natural disasters; however, considering those poor countries, they have  already suffered from poverty for a long time, a natural disaster seems to be so overwhelming to them that they have no ability to protect their homelands. Because of the huge difference between developing countries and those vulnerable countries, the developed countries should set down ambitious targets whatever considering their historical responsibilities for emissions and present abilities.

Following the development of human beings, the whole world will not cease taking steps to industrialization and none of the countries will stop to develop their own technologies, because only development can lead people to better lives. As a matter of fact, the earth has the ability of recovering. However, the human-induced activities should be limited so as to give the earth time to recover itself. If every big emitter has ambitious carbon emissions reduction target and every developed country is involved in helping those vulnerable countries, climate change will have no chance to affect human beings! I think the Copenhagen climate change conference assists those vulnerable countries in different aspects for sure whether a legally binding agreement will be reached or not.

We should look for more from Copenhagens for human beings to acquaint the truth and contribute efforts, although they are insignificant, in order to avoid deadly disaster of this planet.

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