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中国能减排40亿吨,美国何如? Can the US match China’s efforts?


–Mengxiao Han, Nanjing, China

US president Barack Obama’s first visit to China and his announcement with Chinese president Hu Jintao have renewed hopes for international climate talks, as both countries reaffirmed their commitment to a successful outcome in Copenhagen.

In order to reach a legally binding global deal in Copenhagen, what we need now is political will and leadership, particularly from the United States and China. The key to reaching this lies in fostering cooperation in areas like clean energy and low-carbon technology between the two countries, with an ultimate goal of setting concrete long-term emissions reduction targets

Opponents of the United States signing a binding agreement in Copenhagen have continually argued that they will not take action because China is not moving to cut emissions. But it turns out that China is actually doing a surprising amount to address climate change.

In 2006, China reached the 20% energy intensity target it set for 2010, a goal that will reduce carbon emissions by 1.5 gigatons. This is nearly four times larger than EU member countries’ combined emission reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. The Chinese government will continue this trend beyond 2010, reaching a 50% reduction in energy intensity by 2020 from 2005 levels. By 2020, China will obtain 15% of primary energy from renewable sources, which will help cut four gigatonnes off its annual emissions compared with 2005 levels. This year China is expected to reach the world’s second-largest installed wind power capacity, and the largest installation of wind turbines. It is already the world’s largest manufacturer of solar photovoltaics, and has more than 60% of the world’s solar water heaters.

But can the United States match China’s four-gigatonne emissions reduction? The country will not be able to match this target without considerable effort. If any global deal is to be reached, the United States will have to set similarly ambitious targets that show the world it is willing to lead.

For the United States and China, more strategic and practical cooperation in clean energy and low-carbon technology is an excellent start to bridging a very dangerous divide. Success in  low-carbon development has the potential to dramatically change our future – both in terms of starting the zero-carbon revolution and keeping the temperature rise below two degrees.


中美两国在过去几年间的气候变化对话已经明确了很多具有共同利益的领域,双方在绿色技术、低碳企业的技术交流与投资等方面的合作都在迅速扩大。 然而在美国,仍然有人反对美国在哥本哈根签署具有法律约束力的协议,辩称因为中国并未努力减排,所以他们也将拒绝采取行动。 但是实际上,中国已经为应对气候变化做出了令人瞩目的努力,并计划在未来采取更多行动。


尽管取得了这些令人鼓舞的成就,我们仍然相信中国可以而且应该做得更多。中国最终会超越美国成为世界最大的碳排放国。中国必须积极参与国际气候变化谈判, 促进低碳科技的发展和传播。长期而言,中国需要做好准备应对未来的碳排放峰值,以及碳排放量下降将引发的问题,积极适应全世界的气候目标。 但同时我们不能忘记,中国的人均碳排放量仍然比美国平均水平低4.5倍。在“历史碳债务”中,相对于美国29%的影响,中国的影响也小的多,估计仅有8%。

中美两国在清洁能源和低碳技术领域内的战略和务实的合作是在危险鸿沟上架起沟通桥梁的良好开端。中美在低碳发展上的成功合作将可能真正地改写我们的未来 ——不管是启动零碳革命(ZeroCO2Rev)或是将全球温升控制在工业革命前两摄氏度以内。



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